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  • Dunia Hanyalah Pentas, Utusan/UTM Press, 2017
  • Yang Diselindung Samudera, Utusan/UTM Press, 2017 (in collaboration with 2 other authors, Nor Azida Ishak and Fadli al-Akiti)

Short Stories

  • “The Novelization of Welcome Back Mr. McDonald”, Nang 3: Fiction, 2017
  • “Heat”,, 2017
  • “Kopi Kluang”, Sama-Sama: Iskarnival 2016, 2016
  • “The Ghost in the Garden”, Everything About Us: Readings from Readings 3, Word Works, 2016
  • “And the Heavens Your Canopy”, Trash, Fixi Novo, 2016
  • “Berus Melakar Awan”, Imagikata, Penerbit X, 2016
  • “Mastura's Air Lengkong Adventure”, Hungry in Ipoh, Fixi Novo, 2015
  • “The Ghost in the Garden”, Griffith Review 49: New Asia Now Volume 2, Griffith University Australia, 2015
  • “What the Andromaid Reads at Night”, Cyberpunk: Malaysia, Fixi Novo, 2015
  • “The Dangers of Growing Air-cooled Volkswagens in Your Backyard”, self-published e-book, 2015
  • “Pak Sudin's Bicycle”, Readings from Readings 2, Word Works, 2012
  • “Zombies Ate My Muslim”, self-published e-book, 2011
  • “The Secret Operation in the Matriarch's Kitchen”, Write Out Loud, Oak Publication, 2007


  • “Pengkritik Bukan Muslim Mahir Membaca Teks Melayu Islam: Apa Salahnya?”, Dewan Sastera, May 2017
  • “From Under the Shade of a Durian Tree”, Travelscapes: Alternative Journeys, Suarasuara, 2013

Book Reviews

  • “Blood, Sweat, And Pixels: The Triumphant, Turbulent Stories Behind How Video Games Are Made by Jason Schreier”, The Star (Malaysia), 23 January 2018
  • “Fiksi Buat Marquez oleh Ruhaini Matdarin”, Tunas Cipta, July 2017
  • “Wind/Pinball by Haruki Murakami”, The Star (Malaysia), 16 August 2015
  • “What I Talk About When I Talk About Running by Haruki Murakami”, The Star (Malaysia), 28 August 2009
  • “Six Suspects by Vikas Swarup”, The Star (Malaysia), 28 December 2008
  • “The Hour I First Believed by Wally Lamb”, The Star (Malaysia), 28 December 2008
  • “Autofiction by Hitomi Kanehara”, The Star (Malaysia), 30 March 2008
  • “Duma Key by Stephen King”, The Star (Malaysia), 23 March 2008
  • “Mister B. Gone by Clive Barker”, The Star (Malaysia), 30 December 2007
  • “LUST, CAUTION: The Story, the Screenplay, and the Making of the Film”, The Star (Malaysia), 30 September 2007
  • “After Dark by Haruki Murakami”, The Star (Malaysia), 10 August 2007
  • “The Thirteenth Tale by Diane Setterfield”, The Star (Malaysia), 4 December 2006
  • “Blind Willow, Sleeping Woman by Haruki Murakami”, The Star (Malaysia), 8 September 2006


  • Little Basket 2018: New Malaysian Writing, FIXI Novo, 2018
  • Little Basket 2017: New Malaysian Writing, FIXI Novo, 2017
  • Little Basket 2016: New Malaysian Writing, FIXI Novo, 2016
  • Pena Saifai,, 2016 - present


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