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DAY ONE: Writing a manuscript in 80 days.

I woke up at 2am this morning, having slept at 11pm. I was wide awake, and I couldn't fall back asleep. Plus, I began thinking of my guilt. You know what guilt. The guilt writers always have. The guilt of not writing when you promised you would! But didn't! I had three days of holiday and I wrote not a single word in my novel.

Ah, procrastination.

So yeah, I'm awake. So I get up, feeling guilty, I put fingers to keyboard... and typed away. Two hours later, I have 1700 words and the first chapter finished. (One heckuva short chapter, but I'll take what I can get. Can always expand in 2nd draft.) But this achievement did made me think a bit. (My brain's usually in sleep mode even when my body isn't.)

If I could just force myself into writing at least 1000 words a day... I could probably have a first draft done in 80 days! (Shush! Stop laughing! I'm serious!) If I could just push myself, force myself, to write everyday, I'd be done by August. I've got my outline; I know where my story's headed; I know what my characters do. Can't be worse than NanoWriMo right? All I need to do is to put all that down in writing.

...I just know I'm gonna regret saying that...

Anyway! So this is DAY ONE of my novel journal. Wish me luck! Or laugh at my naive optimism. Whatever floats your fancy. Now, if you'll excuse me... I need some... sleep... zzzzzz

Current Word Count: 1700


  1. Hi Ted! I've been blog-hopping and this post of yours really got me in a deja vu mood.

    I felt exactly the same way 2 years ago when I was attempting my first book, "The Sky is Crazy" which later made it to several local bestseller lists.

    All aspiring authors must have a deadline and I like the way you say 'manuscript in 80 days'...also made me retrospect about my own.

    Be very discplined and trust yourself to meet the target. You can do it!

  2. I knew I forgot to put someone in my Msian Lit list. So glad you posted on my blog!

    Thanks for the advice. It is very much appreciated and it's great that local authors like you are supportive of aspiring ones.

    Am even more worked up to finish my novel now!

  3. Malaysians must support Malaysians, right?

    Hope to read your new novel soon!


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